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Bahrain Mutual Vaccination Recognition Agreement Countries

By September 25, 2023No Comments

Bahrain Mutual Vaccination Recognition Agreement Countries: What You Need to Know

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the world in unprecedented ways, affecting nearly every aspect of life, including international travel. However, there is hope on the horizon as vaccines are becoming increasingly available. The Bahrain Mutual Vaccination Recognition Agreement is one way countries are trying to mitigate the effects of the pandemic on travel.

What is the Bahrain Mutual Vaccination Recognition Agreement?

The Bahrain Mutual Vaccination Recognition Agreement is an agreement between Bahrain and other countries that recognizes vaccination certificates issued by the participating countries. In other words, if you are vaccinated in one of the participating countries, your vaccination certificate will be recognized by Bahrain, and vice versa.

Which countries are part of the agreement?

As of August 2021, Bahrain has signed mutual vaccination recognition agreements with several countries, including:

– Israel

– Greece

– Cyprus

– Serbia

– Poland

– Iceland

– Ukraine

– Georgia

– Chile

– Argentina

The list of participating countries is subject to change as more countries join the agreement.

What are the benefits of the Bahrain Mutual Vaccination Recognition Agreement?

The Bahrain Mutual Vaccination Recognition Agreement has several benefits, including:

1. Easing travel restrictions: The agreement allows fully vaccinated travelers from participating countries to enter Bahrain without the need for quarantine or other restrictions.

2. Promoting tourism: The agreement is expected to boost tourism between Bahrain and the participating countries, benefiting both the tourism industry and the economy.

3. Encouraging vaccination: The agreement may encourage more people to get vaccinated, knowing that their vaccination certificate will be recognized by other countries.

4. Fostering international cooperation: The agreement is a positive step towards international cooperation in the fight against COVID-19.

What are the requirements for participating in the agreement?

To participate in the Bahrain Mutual Vaccination Recognition Agreement, countries must meet certain requirements, including:

– Ensuring that their vaccination certificates meet the standards set by the World Health Organization (WHO).

– Providing accurate and reliable information on the vaccination status of their citizens.

– Ensuring that their citizens have received a complete vaccination regimen as defined by the vaccine manufacturer.


The Bahrain Mutual Vaccination Recognition Agreement is a positive development in the fight against COVID-19. The agreement allows travel to resume between Bahrain and participating countries, while also promoting vaccination and international cooperation. As more countries join the agreement, we can hope for a future where international travel returns to some sense of normalcy.